Friday, June 24, 2011

Keeping cool

Today was definitely a little bit cooler than it has been.  I'm under no illusion that it will stay that way.  It's only the end of June.  There's lots more summer to go.  There's not much I can do about it while I'm out running.  But I've got something I've been using the past week or so that's been helping out once I finish.  I got a Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad.  It helps me get dried off.  And draping it around my neck gets me cooled down quickly.  Just drying off with a towel wasn't doing much for stopping the sweating.  But the cool down with the Chilly Pad has really helped on that front.

Today's Workout:
weather: partly cloudy, occasional breeze, an eensy bit cooler (but still hot)
distance: ~3.6 miles (BTW, I really need to calibrate my foot pod sometime...)