of the Nike+ iPod is that the coaching program on the Nike+ website doesn't program the iPod. Meaning, if I'm supposed to do some program of walking and running one day, it doesn't program cues to tell me when I should be transitioning between the two. If the intervals are anything other than a multiple of five minutes, I have to keep track on my watch. Given that the system only goes with each other, you would think that this would be a functionality they would want to program into it. Otherwise, I really enjoy using it for tracking my progress.
Oh, and I think my knee is nearly 100%. I'm still using the knee strap during my workouts and for a while after I'm done. But I'm pain-free. Whoo-hoo!
Tomorrow is an off-day, so I'll report back Monday.
(4W/6R)x2, 5W
weather: sunny
distance: ~2.1 miles
weather: hot (and it was only 8:30am)
distance: ~2.3 miles