Instead of doing my workout at lunch today, I went to the doctor to see about my knee. For over a week now, I've had pain on the lower inside of my left knee. And the odd thing is that it hurt less when running than when walking. It didn't hurt when weight bearing. It hurt when I picked up my foot from the ground. I wanted to get it checked out to make sure I didn't have some sort of major damage and see what I could do since I could already tell that the pain was altering my gait. I don't want to do any more/different damage due to pain in my left knee.
Very helpfully, the PA I saw at my doctor's office has gone through a similar circumstance. And the knee is not really made for running. And injuring a knee can take a while to heal. She had knee pain and she was able to work through it. And she was optimistic I would have the same experience. So, with a brace and some anti-imflammatories, I am cleared to continue on with my training program. If it doesn't clear up in about a month, or gets worse, then I'll go back to the doctor.
On my way back to work, I picked up a brace. It was OK, but didn't seem like it would be the best during working out. Stopped at Dick's Sporting Goods on the way home and picked up a knee strap. I can already tell a fantastic difference with the strap. So we'll see how it goes when I run/walk tomorrow.