Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope everyone had a good day. I've been able to get a lot done today. A lot of area residents started out the day by running a nice, relaxing 10K. I did not participate in the Peachtree Road Race this year. But I will go for my number next year. In the meantime, I've decided to increase my distances on the weekends (or holiday, as it was today). Instead of going for time today, I went for distance. My chosen distance today was 5 miles. Not quite a 10K, but my prior farthest distances hovered in the 5K range. The way I keep track of my runs, primarily, has been my Nike+ sensor with my iPod. Recently, I've also been tracking it with Runkeeper and the GPS on my phone. I haven't had a chance since getting the Nike+ sensor to do a proper calibration. That requires a known distance, like on a track. So, on a day like today, the Nike+ sensor tells me that I went ~5.3 miles while the Runkeeper/GPS tells me that I went ~4.8 miles. I'm going to go somewhere in the middle, for the time being, and say I went ~5 miles today. One day I will get around to calibrating the Nike+ sensor and see if the two tracking methods get closer.
I was feeling pretty good at the end of my 5-ish miles. I think I could have done 10K.
Today's workout: running
Distance: ~5 miles (~5 minutes walk then running until iPod said 5 miles, then ~5 minute walk)
Time: just under 1 hour