Thursday, April 21, 2011

We have the technology

As I mentioned before, my previous exercise routine consisted of walking for 30 minutes inside around the hallways at work.  Not a good venue for running.  And now that the weather has been fairly nice, I wanted to get outside.  Before, I was eating my lunch then going for my walks.  Not the best for motivation.  Especially if I got to talking to someone or reading something or just letting inertia take over.  Directly leading to very frequently not achieving my goal of 3 walks a week.  In a mental shift that has helped tremendously, I now got workout before I eat.

I work on a military base.  Very close to my building is an unused airstrip.  So this has become my venue of choice for my workouts.  A great feature of the airstrip is that it's mostly level.  As working up to a run is daunting enough as it is, I didn't want to have to contend with hills also.  Once I've achieved running, I'll start adding in some hillier terrain.

I had to go out and get some new shoes.  I had some old, worn-out sneakers.  And some made for walking.  So I wanted some geared for running.  I was interested in the Nike+ shoes which have a place to put a sensor in the shoe that syncs with my iPod Nano.*  Then, when I sync my iPod, the data gets uploaded to the Nike+ website where my sessions are tracked.  I can set up goals, track my runs, and establish a coaching program.  Conveniently, one of the coaching programs is a Walk to Run program.  That is the coaching program I am following, with some modifications.  The right now, the workouts call for less than 30 minutes, so I modify them to fill 30 minutes.  The coaching program runs 6 days a week.  I've been able to achieve that so far, but weekends can be a bit crazy for trying to fit in the workout.  In fact, in the 17 days I've been doing the training program, I've been able to do a workout for 15 of the days (yea me!).

* All products mentioned are completely unsponsored.  I have to buy it myself.

Today's stats:
Workout: 6 minutes walking (W)/4 minutes running (R)/6 W/4 R/5 W/1 R/4 W
Distance: 2.3 miles
Weather: Cloudy