Wednesday, April 20, 2011

O, hai! I can haz running

Well, I know this type of blog is not a new one, just judging by the difficulty I had in selecting a name/website address for my blog.  But it's my journey and you can help me stay motivated.  What is my journey?  So glad you asked!

I am a 34-year-old female in reasonably good shape.  My main mode of exercise up until about two and a half weeks ago was to walk for 30 minutes around 2-3 times per week.  And that was a good week.  But then, I decided I wanted to do more.  I would have to say that my co-workers have had at least some influence on me.  A lot of the people I work with are active types.  They run.  They do triathalons.  They play tennis.  They cycle.  Whew.  It's all very tiring.

So let me say at the start, I do not have a goal at this point in time to run a marathon.  The thought of hours of running does not appeal to me in any way, shape, or form.  That I even want to take up running is unusual for me.

What are my goals?  Why did I decide to start running when my general attitude up until this point has been run when chased?

Well, I want to be in better shape.  I would be lying if I said I wouldn't like to shed the last 10 pounds or so of baby weight that I've been carrying around (even if it's not like I NEED to lose any weight).  I would simply like to be more tone and not have any muffin top.  And it's good to have goals.  Right now the main goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes.  With some other minor goals associated with it.

I've already started my quest.  And I'm going to try to log my progress each day with some side commentary for flavor.  I need to get caught up, so for the first couple of weeks or so, I'll record my daily progress along with some catch-up from the beginning my my journey.  Some things to look forward to:

Gearing up and setting the scene
The TinMan and the bike rack
Why I'm so excited my Jupiter Freedom bag came today
Making of a play list
So far, the weather gods are on my side
The aches and pains

Briefly, I'm using Nike + iPod to track my workouts and the Nike Plus website for training assistance.  More about that tomorrow.

Today's stats:
Today workout consisted of walking for five minutes then running for a minute each five minutes for 30 minutes total
Approximate distance: 2.2 miles
Weather: cloudy