Sunday, August 28, 2011

To the pain...

If you can name that movie, brownie points to you.

I come to you today in some pain.  The building up of running since April/May meant my legs were never really sore throughout the process.  I've only really had sore muscles since starting Warrior Xfit class.  At least different muscles are used each class.  Well, Saturday's class had a lot more leg work.  I wasn't feeling too bad this morning.  A little sore.  And then I went running.  And now I hurt.  I was fine all during the run.  As soon as I slowed to a walk to cool down, I knew I would be having some pain today.  And so I have.  It's all to to the good.

Also this week, my running has been a little faster.  Tuesday was so nice, weather-wise, that I wasn't sure if it was because of the cooler temperature or that I was using music instead of audiobook to run to.  Thursday was warmer again, but I still was faster.  So, I'm attributing it to the music.

Here's the week:
Monday: Biking, 5.21 miles, ~23 minutes

Tuesday: Running, 2.68 miles, ~30 minutes.  Noticeably cooler.  It will be nice when fall arrives.  Warrior Xfit class, also.

Wednesday: Biking, 5.25 miles, ~23 minutes

Thursday: Running, ~2.6 miles, ~30 minutes.  Hmmm, Runkeeper failed.  Estimate from Nike+.  Warrior Xfit class, also.

Friday: Biking, 5.21 miles, ~23 minutes

Saturday: Warrior Xfit class.  Lots of leg work.

Sunday: Running, 6.54 miles, ~1 hour, 15 minutes.  Another personal best.  ~Half way to a half marathon.

This week will be challenging to get all my workouts in.  Expect delayed reporting.