This weekend was the big MS: Bike Cox Atlanta ride at Callaway Gardens. We had a great time. The first day was 34 miles, which involved approximately 2 hours, 45 minutes of ride time but took longer due to two break points. There were some killer hills, especially in the last 12 miles. Some members of the team did 60 miles and some did 102 miles, but we all finished and did well. The rest of the day after finishing my ride was spent cheering the other groups as they finished.
The second day involved a 32 mile ride. Everyone on the team who didn't do the 102 mile ride on Saturday, with the exception of two, did the 32 mile ride. Two people just did the Saturday ride. I was sore from the day before, but felt good once I got moving. This time, the ride took approximately 2 hours, 30 minutes. Again, there were two break points and then we waited at the end for the whole 32-mile group to gather and ride into the finish as one. Then we waited to cheer in the 64-mile team mates (same guys who did the 102 miles on Saturday).
We got cool medals at the end. I'm sore today, but feel accomplished. I've already signed up for next year's ride. My goal is to save up for a road bike so I don't have to haul my mountain bike (which is heavier) up those hills again. (If anyone is interested in helping me with this goal, feel free to contribute :-) ).
The week leading up to the ride was my typical alternating bike and run days with Xfit class on Tuesday and Thursday. I didn't do anything on Friday as I wanted to rest up. And I needed to pack and travel. Today has been a well-deserved rest day. I'll start back up with a gentle run tomorrow.